Source code for advutils.prettylogging

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/usr/bin/env python
ESC [ 0 m       # reset all (colors and brightness)
ESC [ 1 m       # bright
ESC [ 2 m       # dim (looks same as normal brightness)
ESC [ 22 m      # normal brightness

ESC [ 30 m      # black
ESC [ 31 m      # red
ESC [ 32 m      # green
ESC [ 33 m      # yellow
ESC [ 34 m      # blue
ESC [ 35 m      # magenta
ESC [ 36 m      # cyan
ESC [ 37 m      # white
ESC [ 39 m      # reset

ESC [ 40 m      # black
ESC [ 41 m      # red
ESC [ 42 m      # green
ESC [ 43 m      # yellow
ESC [ 44 m      # blue
ESC [ 45 m      # magenta
ESC [ 46 m      # cyan
ESC [ 47 m      # white
ESC [ 49 m      # reset
from __future__ import print_function
#from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
import sys
# look for colorama
from . import BaseCopySupporter, get_parameters

[docs]def have_colours(stream): """ Detect if output console supports ANSI colors. :param stream: :return: """ if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): return False if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except BaseException: # guess false in case of error return False
[docs]def formatter(format_string, kwargs): """ Default formatter used to format strings. Instead of `"{key}".format(**kwargs)` use `formatter("{key}", kwargs)` which ensures that no errors are generated when an user uses braces e.g. {}. Bear in mind that formatter consumes kwargs which in turns replaces an used key with empty string "". This can generate unusual behaviour if not well used. """ for key, val in kwargs.items(): key2 = "{%s}" % (key) if key2 in format_string: # explicitly convert val to str format_string = format_string.replace(key2, str(val)) kwargs[key] = "" return format_string
[docs]def separate(text): """ Process a text to get its parts. :param text: :return: [head,body,end] """ right = text.rstrip() left = text.lstrip() return (text[0:-len(left)], text[-len(left):len(right)], text[len(right):])
[docs]def scale(x, range, drange): """ From real coordinates get rendered coordinates. :param x: source value :param range: (min,max) of x :param drange: (min,max) of sx :return: scaled x (sx) """ (rx1, rx2) = float(range[0]), float(range[1]) (sx1, sx2) = float(drange[0]), float(drange[1]) return (sx2 - sx1) * (x - rx1) / (rx2 - rx1) + sx1
[docs]def scale_index(index, range, drange, circle=False, limit=False): """ Uses scale but adds support for indexing. :param index: :param range: :param drange: :param circle: :param limit: :return: """ minlen, maxlen = drange # (index - min) * maxlen / (max - min) # rescale to colors val = scale(index, range, drange) if val < 0: val -= 1 # shift negative index = int(val) # get index # ensures that values are inside colors if index > maxlen - 1: if circle: index = index % (maxlen + minlen) elif limit: index = maxlen - 1 if index < minlen: if circle: index = index % (-(maxlen - minlen)) elif limit: index = minlen return index
[docs]class ANSIcolor(object): """ Class defining ANSI color codes used in terminals """ # INTENSITY BRIGHT = 1 # bright DIM = 2 # dim (looks same as normal brightness) NORMAL = 22 # normal brightness # FOREGROUND: BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE = [ str(i) for i in range(30, 38)] # BACKGROUND BLACK_B, RED_B, GREEN_B, YELLOW_B, BLUE_B, MAGENTA_B, CYAN_B, WHITE_B = [ str(i) for i in range(40, 48)] def __init__(self, colors): self.colors = ";".join(colors) self.format_code = "{_head}\x1b[{_colors}m{_body}\x1b[0m{_end}"
[docs] def paint(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["_colors"] = self.colors if len(args) == 1: # must have text kwargs["_head"], kwargs["_body"], kwargs["_end"] = separate( str(args[0])) elif len(args) > 1: # format multiple return [self.paint(arg, **kwargs.copy()) for arg in args] return formatter(formatter(self.format_code, kwargs), kwargs) # formats for CODE and user masks
__call__ = paint
[docs]class CODElist(list): """ Especial list to hold CODE objects used in CodeMapper """ def __init__(self, iterable): super(CODElist, self).__init__() self.extend(iterable)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): for item in iterable: self.append(item)
[docs] def append(self, item): if not isinstance(item, CODE): raise TypeError('item is not of type %s' % CODE) for position, actualItem in enumerate(self): if item.level <= actualItem.level: super(CODElist, self).insert(position, item) return super(CODElist, self).append(item)
[docs]class CODE(BaseCopySupporter): """ Class to define Logger codes like HIDDEN, DEBUG, ERROR, LOG, WARNING, IGNORE """ def __init__(self, name=None, level=0, colors=None, formatting="[{_code}]{_head}{_body}{_end}"): # "[({_code}):{_head}{_body}{_end}]"): # """ :param name: code name :param level: level of code priority :param colors: ANSIcolor instance :param formatting: formatting to use when converting text """ = name self.level = level if colors: colors = ANSIcolor(colors) self.colors = colors # applied if color self.formatting = formatting # applied if user defined self._use_color = have_colours(sys.stdout) self._buffer = None
[docs] def convert( self, text, newLine=False, use_color=None, use_format=False, **kwargs): """ Convert text to CODE format and colors. :param text: text to convert :param newLine: True to add new line at the end if needed :param use_color: True to use color :param use_format: True to use code formatting :param kwargs: additional kwargs to format :return: formatted text """ if use_color is None: use_color = self._use_color if use_format: head, body, end = separate(text) kwargs = dict(_head=head, _body=body, _end=end,, _level=self.level,, **kwargs) # formatter consumes kwargs!! # formats for CODE and user masks text = formatter(formatter(self.formatting, kwargs), kwargs) head, body, end = separate(text) if newLine and not end: end = "\n" if use_color and self.colors: # if there are colors return self.colors(_head=head, _body=body, _end=end) else: return "{}{}{}".format(head, body, end)
[docs] def codify(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates an instance of this CODE with default parameters :param text: text to convert :param newLine: True to add new line at the end if needed :param use_color: True to use color :param use_format: True to use code formatting :param kwargs: additional kwargs to format :return: formatted text """ code = self.clone() code._buffer = args, kwargs return code
[docs] def raw_msg(self): if self._buffer is None: return "" # return with no message else: kwargs = get_parameters(func=self.convert, args=self._buffer[0], kwargs=self._buffer[1], onlykeys=True, onlyused=True) kwargs["use_format"] = False kwargs["use_color"] = False return self.convert(**kwargs)
def __str__(self): if self._buffer is None: return self.convert("") # return with no message else: return self.convert(*self._buffer[0], **self._buffer[1]) def __bool__(self): return True def __int__(self): return int(self.level) def __float__(self): return float(self.level) __call__ = codify
HIDDEN = CODE("HIDDEN", -3, (ANSIcolor.BLACK,)) DEBUG = CODE("DEBUG", -2, (ANSIcolor.CYAN,)) ERROR = CODE("ERROR", -1, (ANSIcolor.RED,)) LOG = CODE("LOG", 0, (ANSIcolor.BLUE,)) WARNING = CODE("WARNING", 1, (ANSIcolor.YELLOW,)) IGNORE = CODE("IGNORE", 2, (ANSIcolor.WHITE,)) OK = CODE("OK", 3, (ANSIcolor.GREEN,)) codes_list = CODElist([DEBUG, LOG, HIDDEN, WARNING, ERROR, IGNORE, OK]) codes_dict = { code for code in codes_list}
[docs]class CodeMapper(object): """ Manage and convert CODE objects to other CODE objects """ def __init__(self, codes=None, refcodes=None, range=None, limit=True): if codes: = codes else: = [] self.refcodes = refcodes self.range = range self.limit = limit @property def codes(self): return self._codes @codes.setter def codes(self, values): if isinstance(values, CODElist): self._codes = values # replace previous elif hasattr(values, "__iter__"): self._codes = CODElist(values) else: raise ValueError( "it only receives CODElist and converts iterators to CODElist")
[docs] def map_code(self, code): """ :param code: :return: """ if isinstance(code, CODE): return self.get_by_reference(code) # try by reference else: val = self.get_by_level(code) # try by level if val: return val return self.get_by_index(code) # try by index
[docs] def get_by_index(self, index): """ :param index: :return: """ try: if self.range: # scale values return[scale_index(index, self.range, (0, len(, limit=self.limit)] # throws error when outside range else: return[scale_index(index, (0, len(, (0, len(, limit=self.limit)] # throws error when outside codes except TypeError as e: raise TypeError("{} is not an index".format(index)) except IndexError as e: print( e, "{} exceeds codes dimensions. limit is {}, if True it selects the limit.".format( index, self.limit))
[docs] def get_by_level(self, code): """ :param code: :return: """ for i in if code == i.level: return i
[docs] def get_by_reference(self, code): """ :param code: :return: """ refcodes = self.refcodes if refcodes: if code in refcodes: return refcodes[code] return code # does nothing
__call__ = map_code
[docs]class CodeLog(object): """ Base Logger Class which supports CODE objects """ use_colors = None use_codes = None def __init__(self, std_out=sys.stdout, code_mapper=None, default_codes=None, use_colors=None, use_codes=None): """ :param std_out: standard output :param code_mapper: object to map CODE objects :param default_codes: :param use_colors: :param use_codes: """ # assigned from class if use_colors is None: use_colors = self.use_colors # class default if use_codes is None: use_codes = self.use_codes # class default # assigned from instance if use_colors is None: use_colors = have_colours(std_out) self.use_colors = use_colors if use_codes is None: use_codes = not self.use_colors # if there is color do not use CODE self.use_codes = use_codes # control variables self.code_mapper = code_mapper self.std_out = std_out self.default_codes = default_codes @property def default_codes(self): return self._defcodes @default_codes.setter def default_codes(self, codes): if codes is not None and not hasattr(codes, "__iter__"): codes = [codes] self._defcodes = codes
[docs] def convert_code(self, codes=None): """ Filter accepted codes and adequate them to use. :param codes: levels, codes or iterators with them. :return: it gets None or list with only codes, no empty list (use if filtered) """ if codes is None: # use default return self.default_codes if not codes: # use default return None if not hasattr(codes, "__iter__"): codes = [codes] # it must be iterator if self.code_mapper: # try to get code from color_mapper codes = [self.code_mapper(code) for code in codes] # some can be none codes = [ code for code in codes if isinstance( code, CODE)] # we need only codes if codes: # empty list not printed but we want to print so use None codes return codes # return list of codes else None
[docs] def accepted_code(self, codes): """ return True if codes is accepted else False """ return bool(self.convert_code(codes=codes))
[docs] def convert(self, text, codes=None, newLine=False, **kwargs): """ Convert text with code. :param text: text to convert :param codes: codes to use for text :param newLine: True to add newline :param kwargs: additional arguments to pass to CODEs :return: string of formatted text """ if isinstance(text, CODE): codes = self.convert_code(text) text = text.raw_msg() codes = self.convert_code(codes) if codes is None: # print if None - no code used return str(text) # ensures string else: # empty list means that it was filtered useColor, useCODE = self.use_colors, self.use_codes lines = [str(code(text, newLine, useColor, useCODE, **kwargs)) for code in codes if code] return "".join(lines)
[docs] def write(self, text, code=None, **kwargs): self.std_out.write(self.convert(text, code, **kwargs)) self.std_out.flush()
[docs] def printline(self, text, code=None, **kwargs): self.std_out.write(self.convert(text, code, True, **kwargs)) self.std_out.flush()
[docs] def printlines(self, lines, code=None, **kwargs): for line in lines: self.printline(line, code)
__call__ = write
[docs]class EmptyLogger(CodeLog): """ Empty logger to not generate outputs """
[docs] def write(self, text, code=None, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def printline(self, text, code=None, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def printlines(self, lines, code=None, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class SimpleLogger(CodeLog): """ Simple logger to print CODE objects """ def __init__(self, std_out=sys.stdout, code_mapper=None, default_codes=LOG, use_colors=None, use_codes=None, verbosity=None): """ :param std_out: :param code_mapper: :param default_codes: :param verbosity: DEBUG = 0, LOG=1, HIDDEN=2, WARNING=3, ERROR=4 if verbosity is None. it does not filter and lets any data to be logged. if verbosity is N it does not lets log those less than N. so if N = 2, it won't let log DEBUG and LOG levels but any other level is permitted. change self.states to add more levels that can be filtered with verbosity. Note that if self.states = () is is the same as verbosity = None. """ if use_colors is None: use_colors = self.use_colors # class inherited default if use_codes is None: use_codes = self.use_codes # class inherited default super( SimpleLogger, self).__init__( std_out=std_out, code_mapper=code_mapper, default_codes=default_codes, use_colors=use_colors, use_codes=use_codes) self.verbosity = verbosity
[docs] def convert_code(self, codes=None): """ :param codes: levels, codes or iterators with them. :return: it gets None, list with only codes or empty list if filtered by verbosity """ codes = super(SimpleLogger, self).convert_code( codes) # it gets None or list with only codes if codes and self.verbosity is not None: # verbosity is active and we got codes if hasattr(self.verbosity, "__iter__"): # list of permitted codes codes = [ code for code in codes if float(code) in [ float(i) for i in self.verbosity]] else: # verbosity is value or code codes = [ code for code in codes if float(code) >= float( self.verbosity)] return codes # let code live if None, we want to print it
[docs]class Loggers(object): """ Manage multiple loggers """ def __init__(self, logs=None, **kwargs): """ :param logs: list of loggers :param kwargs: additional arguments to configure loggers """ if logs: if hasattr(logs, "__iter__"): self.logs = logs else: raise Exception("logs must be a iterator") else: if kwargs: self.logs = [CodeLog] else: self.logs = [CodeLog()] if kwargs: for i, log in enumerate(self.logs): # initialize all of them self.logs[i] = log(**kwargs)
[docs] def post_setting(self, **kwargs): """ Assign keyword arguments to logs. :param kwargs: keyword arguments """ for log in self.logs: # initialize all of them for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(log, name, value)
[docs] def write(self, text, state=None, **kwargs): for log in self.logs: log.write(text, state, **kwargs)
[docs] def printline(self, text, state=None, **kwargs): for log in self.logs: log.printline(text, state, **kwargs)
[docs] def printlines(self, lines, state=None, **kwargs): for log in self.logs: log.printlines(lines, state, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': c = SimpleLogger(default_codes=IGNORE, verbosity=(DEBUG, ERROR, IGNORE)) c.printline( "\n\rthis is my debug message\r\n", DEBUG) # no CR is appled after c.printline(" this is my warning message\r\n", WARNING) # no CR is applied c.printline("this is my error message", ERROR) # note that a CR is applied print("") # codes specifies which are printed with CODE object if not catch by # default_codes in the logger. cmap = CodeMapper(codes=(WARNING, ERROR)) c.code_mapper = cmap # you can use any function to return the desired CODE object cmap.range = 0, 10 # now all levels are mapped to codes in that range def printer(msg, it=10): for level in range(-it, it): c.printline(msg, level, it=level) sys.stdout.write(c.convert("this is normal text", None, True)) printer( "\r\nthis it a text with mapped level {it} to level {_level} that represents -> {_code}\r\n") lgs = Loggers() lgs.logs.append(c) lgs.printline("logging with several loggers") lgs.printline("and testing that Warning should not appear in one", WARNING)