Source code for advutils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2017 David Toro <>

# compatibility with python 2 and 3
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

#__all__ = []
__author__ = "David Toro"
#__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, The <name> Project"
#__credits__ = [""]
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause"
__version__ = "0.0.1.post4"
__maintainer__ = "David Toro"
__email__ = ""
#__status__ = "Pre-release"

# import build-in modules
import sys
import copy
import inspect
from six import reraise as raise_
#from future.utils import raise_
from time import time as _time, gmtime as _gmtime

# ----------------------------Exceptions---------------------------- #

[docs]class TimeOutException(Exception): """ Raise an exception when a process surpasses the timeout """
[docs]class TransferExeption(Exception): """ Raise an exception when transfered data is corrupt """
[docs]class VariableNotSettable(Exception): """ Exception for property not settable """
[docs]class VariableNotDeletable(Exception): """ Exception for property not deletable """
[docs]class VariableNotGettable(Exception): """ Exception for property not gettable """
[docs]class VariableNotAvailable(Exception): """ Exception for variable that is not available """
[docs]class NotConvertibleToInt(ValueError): """ Exception to denote that value cannot be represented as int """
[docs]class ClassNotAllowed(Exception): """ Exception to denote that given class is not allowed """
[docs]class NotCreatable(Exception): """ Defines objectGetter error: objectGetter cannot create new object. """
[docs]class NotCallable(Exception): """ Defines objectGetter error: given object is not callable. """
[docs]class NoParserFound(Exception): """ Raise when no parser is found to use in a shell i.e to interpret user input """
[docs]class CorruptPersistent(EOFError, IOError): """ Used for persistent data read from disk like pickles to denote it has been corrupted """
# ----------------------------GLOBAL VARIABLES---------------------------- #
[docs]class NameSpace(object): """ Used to store variables """
# ----------------------------UTILITY FUNCTIONS---------------------------- #
[docs]def try_func(func): """ Sandbox to run a function and return its values or any produced error. :param func: testing function :return: results or Exception """ try: return func() except Exception as e: return e
def _helper_parameters(func, args=(), kwargs=None, onlykeys=False, onlyused=False): """ Helper to get all a function parameters. :param func: function to get parameters from :param args: arguments to modify :param kwargs: key arguments to modify :param onlykeys: return only key arguments :param onlyused: return only modified arguments :param default: default value to assign to key arguments :return: adds, params, kwargs """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # params = list(inspect.signature(self.__init__).parameters.keys()) params = inspect.getargspec(func).args[1:] # TODO replace deprecated getargspec to work with py2 and py3, perhaps by getfullargspec if onlykeys and not onlyused: # only add to keywords covered = 0 # simulate no args else: covered = len(args) if onlyused and onlykeys: # only add modified by user adds = [(True if i < covered or key in kwargs else False) for i, key in enumerate(params)] # add keys from args for i, val in enumerate(args): kwargs[params[i]] = val elif onlyused: adds = [(True if i >= covered and key in kwargs else False) for i, key in enumerate(params)] else: adds = [(True if i >= covered else False) for i, key in enumerate(params)] return adds, params, kwargs
[docs]def get_parameters(func, args=(), kwargs=None, onlykeys=False, onlyused=False, default=None): """ Get all function parameters with default values. :param func: function to get parameters from :param args: arguments to modify :param kwargs: key arguments to modify :param onlykeys: return only key arguments :param onlyused: return only modified arguments :param default: default value to assign to key arguments :return: args, kwargs """ # check what parameters to add adds, params, kwargs = _helper_parameters(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, onlykeys=onlykeys, onlyused=onlyused) for add, key in zip(adds, params): if add and key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = default if onlykeys: return kwargs return args, kwargs
########################################################################## # BaseCopySupporter class and copy_support class decorator ##########################################################################
[docs]def get_arguments(self, args=(), kwargs=None, onlykeys=False, onlyused=False, func=None): """ Get all function parameters configured in this instance mixed with additional arguments. :param self: instance object :param args: arguments to modify :param kwargs: key arguments to modify :param onlykeys: return only key arguments :param onlyused: return only modified arguments :param func: function to get parameters from. If None it uses self.__init__ :return: args, kwargs """ if func is None: func = self.__init__ # check what parameters to add adds, params, kwargs = _helper_parameters(func=func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, onlykeys=onlykeys, onlyused=onlyused) _map_parameters = getattr(self, "_map_parameters", None) for add, key in zip(adds, params): if add and key not in kwargs: try: if _map_parameters is not None and key in _map_parameters: mapped_key = _map_parameters[key] # if mapped_key is None then it means variable is not # assigned in the __init__ of the instance so ignore it if mapped_key is not None: kwargs[key] = getattr(self, mapped_key) else: kwargs[key] = getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: e, msg, traceback = sys.exc_info() msg.args = ( msg.args[0] + ". Review @copy_support decorator or " "BaseCopySupporter class for more info.",) raise_(e, msg, traceback) if onlykeys: return kwargs return args, kwargs
[docs]def clone(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Clones instance with modifying parameters. Not that this creates a new instance. :return: new_instance """ new_self = copy.copy(self) kwargs = self.get_arguments(args, kwargs, onlykeys=True, onlyused=True) _map_parameters = getattr(self, "_map_parameters", None) for key in kwargs: if _map_parameters is not None and key in _map_parameters: setattr(new_self, _map_parameters[key], kwargs[key]) else: setattr(new_self, key, kwargs[key]) return new_self
[docs]def spawn(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates new Carrier of the same class with parameters of this instance. :return: new_instance """ args, kwargs = self.get_arguments(args, kwargs) new_self = type(self)(*args, **kwargs) return new_self
def _repr(self): """ Object representation """ args, kwargs = self.get_arguments() params = [] for k in kwargs: params.append("{} = {}".format(k, repr(kwargs[k]))) return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__, ", ".join(params)) # return "{}({})".format(type(self).__name__,repr( _convert = { 'get_arguments': get_arguments, 'clone': clone, 'spawn': spawn, '__repr__': _repr, '__call__': spawn }
[docs]def copy_support(_map=None, convert=None, overwrite=()): """ Class decorator that fills spawn and clone methods. Be careful when using this decorator as it can give unexpected results if __init__ arguments and instance variables do not correspond to each other. Be very wary of property methods since they change the behaviour of calling a variable. You must ensure that classes abide the rules or decorator adapts to class to ensure good behaviour. It implements methods like "__repr__" to represent instance creation, "get_arguments" to get __init__ parameters with overwriting arguments, "clone" to copy instance with overwriting arguments and "spawn", to create new instance with constructor __init__ and its overwriting arguments. example:: # simple example @copy_support class Klass(object) def __init__(data): = data arguments = {"data":"Original"} instanceA = Klass(**arguments) for key, val in arguments.items(): assert val == getattr(instanceA,key) instanceB = instanceA.spawn("Spawned") instanceC = instanceA.clone("Cloned") print(repr(instanceA)) print(repr(instanceB)) print(repr(instanceC)) # example mapping parameters _map = {"data":"_data"} @copy_support(_map = _map) class Klass2(object) def __init__(data): self._data = data arguments = {"data":"Original"} instanceA2 = Klass2(**arguments) for key, val in arguments.items(): assert val == getattr(instanceA2,_map[key]) instanceB2 = instanceA.spawn("Spawned") instanceC2 = instanceA.clone("Cloned") print(repr(instanceA2)) print(repr(instanceB2)) print(repr(instanceC2)) :param _map: dictionary to map __init__ arguments with the instance variable names e.g. if in __init__ an argument is "data" but is assigned as "_data" then use {"data":"_data"}. :param convert: dictionary with the copying functions to add to class :param overwrite: force list of parameters to overwrite :return: class .. note:: There is not risk from inheritance and they can be overwritten applying the decorator again. Classes with no __init__ or no parameters in them do not have risk of bad behaviour. """ if convert is None: convert = _convert else: # update passed dictionary with global conversion if "__call__" in _convert: if "spawn" in convert: # use call from provided conversions convert["__call__"] = convert["spawn"] else: # use call from global convert["__call__"] = _convert["__call__"] # fill in other required methods for key in _convert: if key not in convert: convert[key] = _convert[key] # fill in necessary methods def assign(cls): # if not (getattr(cls, "__init__", None) is not getattr(object, "__init__", None)): # do i really need to implement __init__ ? # TODO check that instances will have the same arguments as __init__ # raise ValueError('must define __init__') # Find user-defined comparisons (not those inherited from object). class_members = dict( inspect.getmembers( cls, lambda x: inspect.isroutine(x))) roots = [op for op in convert if op not in overwrite and op in class_members and getattr(cls, op, None) is not getattr(object, op, None)] # roots = [op for op in convert if op not in overwrite and # getattr(cls, op, None) is not getattr(object, op, None)] for opname, opfunc in convert.items(): if opname not in roots: opfunc.__name__ = opname setattr(cls, opname, opfunc) if _map is not None: # set mapper for the parameters setattr(cls, "_map_parameters", _map) return cls # if @copy_support is used if inspect.isclass(_map): cls = _map _map = None return assign(cls) # if @copy_support() is used return assign
[docs]class BaseCopySupporter(object): """ Base class for classes supporting cloning and spawning of itself. This same behaviour can be obtained using @copy_support decorator. """ _map_parameters = None spawn = spawn clone = clone get_arguments = get_arguments __call__ = spawn __repr__ = _repr
########################################################################## # BaseCreation class ##########################################################################
[docs]class BaseCreation(object): """ Base class Carrier used to convey data reliably in PriorityQueues """ #step = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 #order = count(step=1) def __init__(self): self._creation_time = _time() # self._creation_order = next(Carrier.order) @property def creation_time(self): return self._creation_time @creation_time.setter def creation_time(self, value): raise VariableNotSettable("creation_time is not settable") @creation_time.deleter def creation_time(self): raise VariableNotDeletable("creation_time is not deletable") @property def creation_time_struct(self): """ Creation time structure """ return _gmtime(self.creation_time) @property def creation_time_str(self): """ Creation time formated string """ return "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S".format(self.creation_time) @property def creation_order(self): raise NotImplementedError # return self._creation_order*Carrier.step @creation_order.setter def creation_order(self, value): raise VariableNotSettable("creation_order is not settable") @creation_order.deleter def creation_order(self): raise VariableNotDeletable("creation_order is not deletable")